Thursday 7 August 2014

Harry Potter bookmark

There is something magical about snuggling up with your child and delving into the cover of an amazing fantasy or adventure story. I was ten when the first Harry Potter book was released and I remember staying up all night because I couldn't peel myself away from the book. I was lost in a world full of magic and now I get to experience this again with my own children. The way their faces light up when I am  reading to them. The excitement and anticipation they feel as they too are transported into a world where their imagination is their only limit.
I read a chapter of a book  at a time, (maybe a little  more at times when they just need to know what happens next) so bookmarks are very handy. I decided to do something a little different to the cardboard bookmarks we normally make so we weaved  some little Gryffindor scarves instead  :)

Weaving on a cardboard loom is super fun and easy to do. My little girl is 6 and managed to do this pretty much on her own.

To make the loom board I used cardboard from a cereal box. I then cut notches evenly spaced along the top and the bottom edge. Then take your yarn and wind it around the notches

The front should look like this
The back should look like this
I took some pics to write up a tutorial on how to weave but then I found this fab little video which I think explains it a lot better than I can in words.

Under over. Under Over :) 

To make Harry Potters Gryffindor scarf weave blocks of burgundy and yellow

To remove from the loom unhook the warp one at a time snip apart and tie in a double not. This will leave you with a little fringe on the end of the scarf. We tied extra bits of wool onto the end to thicken the fringe.